By invitation from the University of Maryland, Bob Vermillion, Invited Speaker, "Suspect Counterfeit Packaging Safe Handling & Removal Procedures of EEE Parts from IC Packaging, June 29, 2022. |  December 3, 2018 - Bob Vermillion, NASA Technical Authority, provides a technology briefing on the Trends & New Developments for Static Control Materials in the Crosshairs and the Supply Chain Today, |  DMSMS 2018, Nashville, Tennessee
Bob Vermillion provides a 2nd Anti-Counterfeit Workshop on Static Control Materials for the Protection of Electronic Components for the Army Future Command. |
14 May 2013
Bob Vermillion, Featured Speaker "Suspect Counterfeit Materials, Packaging & Products in the Global Supply Chain and its Effect Upon Small Business" |  Bob Vermillion, SME, Founder and Co-Chair, SAE G-19A EEE Parts Packaging Engineering Subgroup WIP that includes DRAFT AS6171 Test Method IX -
Techniques for Suspect Counterfeit EEE Part Packaging Detection by various test methods |  2016 - On behalf of the AFE Silicon Valley Chapter 39, Bob Vermillion, Featured Speaker on "Suspect Counterfeit Items, Materials, Electronic Components & Packaging Issues
in the Global Supply Chain" |