SEMI E-78 Validation

Materials & Equipment Validation (SEMI-E78)
RMV Technology Group is an American Council of Independent Laboratories recognized laboratory (ACIL), whose iNARTE certified ESD and product safety engineers have over 20 years of proven performance in the disk drive, semiconductor, medical device, aerospace/defense and space technology sectors.
With the use of the most advanced and manufacturer calibrated equipment for verification and validation in Risk Management and ESD mitigation of pick and place, robotics, packaging schemes and in-process production equipment, we focus upon compliance with the following standards: JEDEC, RoHS, ISO, EIA, IEC, ASTM, SEMI E78,ISTA, Military Standards, corporate requirements and specific application methods for requirements outside the scope of traditional methods.
As a nationally recognized Testing Laboratory (ACIL), RMV engineers are iNARTE certified and product safety engineers with over 20 years of proven expertise in the semiconductor, disk drive, aerospace/defense and space technology industries.

What is the difference?
Verification is the process of determining whether or not the material, package, equipment center or workstation is in compliance with the current ESD and or Industry Standards for a factory, Controlled Environment or sterile environment.
Verification answers the question, "Are we purchasing, packaging and are we building the product right?"
Validation evaluates the material, package, workstation or equipment center to determine and certify (if requested by the Customer) so that your ESD requirements have been met by your supplier, distributor, manufacturer or customer.
Validation answers the question, "Are we in conformance with current ESD or Industry Standards when building our product?"
RMV Technology Group’s analytical and "hands on" approach provides an efficient, cost effective and broad-based expertise, in combination with engineering best practices, to verify as well as validate your engineered or advanced material, incoming or outgoing packaging, including equipment centers for compliance to current ESD and Industry Standards.
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