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Suspect Counterfeit Training
Avoidance, Mitigation and Detection of Suspect Counterfeit Parts, Components & Packaging in the DOD Supply Chain
Non-compliant or Suspect Counterfeit Packaging Materials: ESD Hazards, Long-Term Storage, Materials Handling, Incoming Inspection, Repairs and Kitting Issues
Annual NIPHLE Conference
Royal Sonesta Hotel
Baltimore, Maryland
April 6, 2016

Bob Vermillion, Featured Speaker for NASA GIDEP Conference on April 4, 2016

Bob Vermillion, NASA ESD SME, conducting Suspect Counterfeit Workshop for the Annual NIPHLE Conference, Baltimore, Maryland on April 6, 2016.

Bob Vermillion, NASA ESD SME, is the First to Present, Publish & Train on ESD Non-Compliant or Suspect Counterfeit Packaging in the DOD Supply Chain
Who will benefit most from attending?
Engineers & Technicians
Incoming Inspection
Quality Assurance
Managers & Buyers
Supply Chain Personnel
Suspect Counterfeit or Non-Compliant Packaging can damage ESD original sensitive devices!
Today’s Issues in the Aerospace Community
Offshore Manufacturing
Supplier Non-Conformance
Long Term Storage Issues
Lack of Discipline in Adherence to a Formalized Materials Qualification Process
Lack of Class 0 ESD Sensitive Device Training
No Physical Measurements During Incoming Inspection!
Inadequate Inspection of Sensitive Components
Limited Packaging Inspection?
Leadership from the Top Down!

Maria Contreras Sweet, SBA Administrator, visits Bob Vermillion to learn more about High Tech Veteran Owned Small Business at NASA Ames Research Center .

From: Robert Kawamura
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 9:13 AM
To: Bob Vermillion
Subject: After Seminar Material
Hello Bob,
Thank you for sending over the info., enjoyed your course.
Best Regards,
Rob Kawamura
Principal Subcontracts Administrator
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron RoadMS 76-225
Berkeley, California 94720

Date: Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: Follow-up: DoD Western Regional Membership Meeting,
December 6, 2012 at Port McArthur
To: Renee Mitchell <>
Renee and Bob –
It was a pleasure to meet you both. Bob’s presentation was very interesting and really opened my eyes to the counterfeit issue.
Btw – it was very well received by all of the DODWRC members as that was a consistent comment made after your presentation (and how to get another speaker on another topic that crosses organizational lines).
I’ll keep you in mind if and when an opportunity to present this info again appears.
Nick Nicholas Manalisay
Deputy Area Director f
Government Contracting/Area VI
U.S. Small Business Administration

December 05, 2012 6:53 AM
Subject: SMTA/CALCE presentation
Hi Bob – I wasn’t able to hang around after your talk yesterday, but wanted you toknow that I found it very eye-opening and interesting. I hope you got some interestand good feedback. I’m sure we will talk soon.
Lori Risse
Parts Engineer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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